About scientific journal
ISSN PRINT: 2223-5744
ISSN ONLINE: 2226-1923
Alla A. Kobozeva, D.Sc., Professor
The international scientific peer-reviewed journal Informatics and Mathematical Methods in Simulation was founded in 2011 by Odessa National Polytechnic University. The main objective of the Journal is to provide a platform for interaction between researchers and practitioners to achieve solutions to complex problems and make significant progress in the solution of previously intractable problems. It also aims to explore solutions to scientific, engineering, and practical problems that lie at the intersection of applied, classical mathematics, and computer science. The Journal publishes surveys and original papers that cover theoretical and experimental problem.
Informatics and Mathematical Methods in Simulation is included in the list of scientific professional editions of Ukraine (Technical sciences) under the category B of the Ukrainian Ministry of Education and Science order No 1473 of November 11, 2020.
The Journal publishes articles on specialities:
- Software Engineering;
- Computer Sciences;
- Cyber Security;
- Automation & Computer Integrated Technologies (Control Systems).
Index Copernicus, ICV (Index Copernicus Value) 2014: 66.39, GOOGLE ACADEMIA

Editorial Board
Editor-in-chief: Alla A. Kobozeva, D.Sc., Professor
Associate editor: Sergey A. Polozhaenko, Doctor of Engineering, Professor
Executive editor: Oleksiy A. Stopakevych, PhD, SSc, Docent
Editorial Board:
I. Bobok – PhD; | J. Juhar – PhD.(Slovakia); |
A. Kobozeva – DSc, Prof.; | V. Lozhechn³kov - PhD, Docent; |
V. Liubchenko – DSc, Prof.; | V. Pavlenko - DSc, Prof.; |
V. Palahin - DSc, Prof.; | S. Polozhaenko – DSc, Prof.; |
O. Rybalsky - DSc, Prof.; | SA. Sokolov – PhD; |
B. Speransky – PhD, Docent; | O. Stopakevych – PhD, Docent; |
O. Fomin - DSc, Docent. |

Peer review
Reviewing of articles submitted for publication in the journal is carried out by the method of double independent anonymous reviewing. Articles are accepted for publication, regarding which, after the necessary revision (if necessary), positive feedback from both reviewers was received.
The journal publishes original scientific articles. Editorial ethics does not allow the publication of articles on which there is a conclusion about elements of plagiarism. Plagiarism check (including self-citation) is carried out using specialized software, taking into account the possibility of translation from the main languages.

Guidelines for Authors (design)
Requirements for scientific articles and reports that are submitted to the journal
"Informatics and mathematical methods in simulation"
The editors offer the authors to review the requirements and follow them in the preparation of works that are sent to the journal. Deviations from the specified requirements are delaying publication of the article.
The editors reserve the right to return manuscripts that are satisfy the instructions.
Total character count for the entire manuscript, including the title page, abstracts in tWO languages (English and Ukrainian), tables, figure legends, and references) of an article should not exceed 13 pages (27000 characters including spaces). The materials should be submitted in the Microsoft Word-supported format, page size of A4 (29.7x21 cm), book-oriented with margins of: top — 2, bottom — 2, left — 3, right — 2 cm, font - Times New Roman 12 pt, 1.0 spacing.
2.1. A Manuscript should consist of the following subdivisions:
- Article Title;
- Introduction;
- Literature review (analysis of recent research and publications);
- Article objectives;
- Main Body (with justification of the obtained scientific results);
- Results and Discussion;
- Conclusions;
- Acknowledgements, Funding;
- References;
- Article title and abstract in Ukrainian.
2.2. Title of the article:
- UDC (Universal Decimal Classification);
- Title.
- Authors: family names and initials of all authors;
- Aaffiliations: Institution and complete address with the postal code for each author;
- E-mail addresses of the authors;
- Abstract.
2.3. Abstract. The total character count should be 1800+ characters including spaces. Font size=10pt.
Abstract of an article should be subdivided into
- title of the article;
- surnames and initials of all authors;
- introductory speech on the research topic;
- the purpose of scientific research;
- description of scientific and practical significance of the work;
- description of the research methodology;
- main results, conclusions of research work;
- the value of the study (what contribution this work has made to the relevant field of knowledge);
- practical significance of the results of work;
- keywords (not more then 7).
2.4. Figures
Digital images (figures and schemes) must be at a minimum resolution of 600 dpi for line drawings and 300 dpi for color or grayscale. Only PCX, TIFF, GIF, BMP, JPEG file formats are acceptable. Also use of figures and diagrams in the form of Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Word objects is allowed. All the voluminous inscriptions on the figures must be replaced by numbers or lettering and their descriptions must be put into the captions. All figure captions are made using Times New Roman font. The abscissa and ordinate should be clearly labeled with appropriately sized type, and units of measurement must be given. Text for figure legends should be provided separately from figures. Failure to comply with these specifications will delay publication!
2.5. Equations
Equations should be specially prepared in Mathtype and should be numbered. Font (Times New Roman, 12 pt; large index – 7 pt; small index – 6 pt; large symbol – 16 pt; small symbol – 10 pt; variables – italic; matrix – bold vector; line spacing – 150 %).
2.6. Tables
All tables are to be numbered using Arabic numerals. Tables should always be cited in text in consecutive numerical order. For each table, please supply a table caption (title) explaining the components of the table.
2.7. References
Reference citations in the text should be identified by numbers in square brackets. The list of references should only include works that are cited in the text and that have been published or accepted for publication. Personal communications and unpublished works should only be mentioned in the text. Do not use footnotes or endnotes as a substitute for a reference list.
Examples of registration of the electronic document, scientific article, conference report, book.
1. Rabinovich I. Antivirus sandboxes. URL: https://habr.com/ru/post/105581/
2. Arabadzhi A.F., Stopakevich A.A., Stopakevich A.A. Development of a modernhuman-machine interface in the control systemon the basis of international standards. Automation of Technological and Business Processes. 2017. V.9, No 4. P. 39-46. URL: https://doi.org/10.15673/atbp.v10i4.819
3. Lototsky O.Ya., Tymoshenko L.M., Eremenko A.I. Using the method of hierarchy analysis to develop cyber-situational awareness systes for employees. Information control systems and technologies: Proceedings of the VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference,September 23-25, 2019. Odessa, 2019. P. 85-87.
4. Stopakevich A.A. Systems analysis and theoryof complex control systems. Odessa: Astroprint, 2013. 352 p.

Archive (full taxts)
Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine contains contents and abstracts of all issues of the journal, as well as full texts of all articles in PDF.

Associate editor: Alla A. Kobozeva,
D.Sc/, Professor, Chair of Department of Cyber Security and Software Development
Editorial address: National Odesa Polytechnic University
1, Shevchenko Ave., Odesa, 65044, Ukraine
Tel.: +38 (048) 705 8506
E-mail: immm.ukraine@gmail.com [íàïèñàòè ëèñòà]